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From White to Black

Hint 1.

Find a total of 7 panels that can be opened, located both high and low.





Hint 2

One of the panels has a hole in its center. Could it contain a switch? How could you reach it?


Hint 3

Look for a long, narrow metal rod.


Hint 4

A lot of things can be hidden under the table.


Hint 5

If something is blocking your progress, a bit of teamwork can easily guide the round metal plate.


Hint 6

If you’ve done all this and the room hasn’t gone dark, look around. You might have opened a secret door!
No worries if you can’t see anything—use a tool like a flashlight (e.g., your phone).

If you made it to the next room:
Sometimes, solutions come to light in the darkness.

Hint 1

You can only see the light in darkness. There is a way to „lighten up.”


Hint 2

On the wall of one of the openable panels, there is a guide showing the order in which to flip the switches inside. 💡


Hint 3

The sequence is displayed on the wall of the 4th panel, going left to right.
The switches are next to the door opener in the black room.


Hint 1

In the bottom-left corner of the maze, you’ll find a key you’ll need. Figure out how to safely guide it out.

Hint 2

On the other side of the maze, in the black room, there is a magnet you can use to guide the key out. It just takes a bit of teamwork.


Hint 1

In the second room, you’ll find a wall-mounted box.
The brave ones can explore what’s inside. 👆

Hint 2

What braille symbols can you recognize? Where else have you encountered similar markings?


Hint 3

Above the pull-out shelf, the picture contains the twin symbols of the braille markings. Identify which shape corresponds to which letter.


Hint 4

In the chart next to the secret box, you’ll find letters at the recognized symbols’ locations.



  • Y-Up
  • Q-Up
  • O-Right
  • W-Right
  • Z-Left




Hint 1

The metal rod can be used for one more thing.


Hint 2

Above the radiator, there’s a hole in the wall. You can reach inside to move the plexiglass. Rotate it and search for something!

Hint 3

If you find a hole, use the metal rod—there’s a small switch there. Use it to activate something. Take a look around once it’s done!

Hint 4

A small red light is blinking. What could it mean? You’ll need the box with the directional lock for this!

Level 5 Hint (read only if the directional box is already opened):

Inside the directional box, you might find a Morse code sheet that helps you interpret the signals.


Level 6 Hint

Pay close attention to how many times and for how long the Morse light blinks. The light will display the two-digit code, followed by an “end” signal indicating the sequence has finished (as shown on the Morse sheet).







Hint 1

Do you have all the cubes? Did you forget one at the entrance? Take a look around!


Hint 2

If you have all the cubes, start arranging them in the correct order.



Hint 1

The puzzle helps you determine the correct order for placing the cubes.


Hint 2

The puzzle indicates sizes.
S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large


Metal Cube Arranging the Cubes

Hint 1

The cubes have two sides, and each side is different.


Hint 2

In the corner of the black room, there is a chart on the wall that indicates whether you need the framed or smooth side.

Solution (partly)
  • Framed – Smooth – Framed
  • Smooth – Smooth – Framed
  • Framed – Framed – Smooth
Hint 3

Once arranged correctly, pay attention to the order of the mathematical operations as well.


  • 3×4−6=6
  • 7−1×3=4
  • 2×5−9=1




Hint 1

Keep an eye on the time so you don’t miss anything.


Hint 2

The clock occasionally shows the four-digit combination.






Hint 1

In the dark room, there’s an inscription on the wall: “ABC=?????”
In the white room, the picture frames have similar markings.
Take a closer look at the pictures.


Hint 1

Count the 1×1, 2×2, 3×3, and 4×4 squares too!





Hint 1

The cubes complement each other both horizontally and vertically.





Hint 1

Roman numerals.



Hint 2

C=100, L=50, IX=9







Hint 1

When you’ve correctly completed the metal plates puzzle in the dark room, only the necessary symbols and numbers for the solution will remain. Use the glowing symbols above the metal puzzle for guidance.

Hint 2

“You can’t see the forest for the trees.”


Hint 3

Forest = Green
Trees = Black

Hint 4

Don’t focus on the green parts; there are seven, but you only need six.


Hint 5

It’s inverted, so look at the black spaces between the green symbols.






Hint 1

Enter the code you’ve found into the safe to retrieve what you’re looking for.


Hint 2

The chain is too short to reach the lock. What should you do?



Hint 3

“If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.”



The chain of the lock doesn’t reach the door, but it might reach the safe.