
The highlighted letters indicate the given topic, and below it, you will find the related tips.
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Finding Crosses

Hint 1.

On the wall, there is a larger cross.





Mineral Box

Hint 1

Turn the box over; there’s a diagram with letters on the back. Where else have you seen minerals in the room?


Hint 2

The first and last letters of the minerals will show you which ones you need.


Hint 3

The minerals are on the bottom shelf of the mineral cabinet, behind a mirror that reveals the numbers for the minerals.The switches are next to the door opener in the black room.




Red box

Hint 1

To solve the lock combination, you’ll need a wooden tower and a wooden plank.

Hint 2

The wooden plank can be found on top of the basket full of logs, and the tower pieces are in the satchel and first aid box.

Hint 3

Once the tower is built correctly, each symbol will correspond to a Roman numeral.

Hint 4

The symbols on the plank need to be summed up. Place the plank against four different spots in the room to reveal the operations for the lock combination.

Hint 5

A white downward arrow marks these spots. Align the plank with the horizontal white line. If done correctly, a plus sign will form between the symbols to add.

Hint 6

1st spot: near the entrance door.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th spots: near the other door.

The divided sections (properly aligned) will indicate the order of the digits in the code. For instance, if the second symbol on the plank corresponds to an added symbol, it will be the second number in the code.



Picture Frames

Hint 1

Five pictures can be found in the right-hand drawer of the table.

Hint 2

The rule for the pictures is in the first row.


Hint 3

Each row must contain 1 shovel, 1 bucket, 1 pickaxe, and 6 people (colors help distinguish them).


Hint 4

If arranged correctly, you’ll hear a click. This comes from the top left shelf of the cabinet, where the magnetic box releases the final direction.




1st row: 2 people without designated items.
3rd row: 1 person holding a basket.
4th row: 1 person with a pickaxe, bucket, and shovel.


Correct Order of Crosses

Hint 1

Make sure the gold parts of the crosses align correctly with the gold parts below them.


Hint 2

The typewriter letters can help determine the correct order.

Hint 3

The initials of the directions are replaced with numbers in the order they need to be placed.

Hint 4

The compass in the mineral cabinet shows the direction.


N⬇️ W➡️ S⬆️ E⬅️

After setting the crosses something opens. Only read it if you see what opened, and you have no cloue what to do 🙂

Hint 1

Don’t worry, a door will open where you’ll find the gold-making machine. But before creating gold, more tasks await.




Hint 1

The letter found in the typewriter shows how to rotate.


Hint 2

There’s an image in the display case that shows the symbols of the planets. Pluto is the farthest from the center of the solar system.



Fire – Pluto – Gemini



Hint 1

Follow certain colors of the rainbow.

Hint 2

The prism images (3 of them) help with the sequence.

Hint 3

Roman numerals indicate the sequence in the eyes, and the shaded part marks the color.

  • Blue – Orange – Green


Elixir Creation


Hint 1

Keep the temperature stable with pressure.


Hint 2

Turn on the temperature (move the lever to ON) and increase the pressure by pumping the metal rod from the table.


Hint 3

Maintain the temperature in the colored range until the central compass rises.




Hint 1

Follow the colors to identify the quantity for each mineral in the display case.


13 14 8


Hint 1

You’ll need the missing gear for this.

Hint 2

You’ll find the gear after solving the maze on the wall to direct power to sector C16.


Hint 3

Look through the hole in the wall in the second room for something interesting.

Hint 4

In the mirror, how many hours can you see? (Be careful—it’s tricky since it’s mirrored!)


Hint 5

Once you have the gear, place it correctly and crank the grinder 7–10 times in one direction.




Hint 1

It’s time to make gold! Pull the small lever on the top right to start production.